Launching of the Marist Brother’s Golden Jubilee in Bouaké

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Launching of the Marist Brother’s Golden Jubilee in Bouaké
Launching of the Marist Brother’s Golden Jubilee in Bouaké
Launching of the Marist Brother’s Golden Jubilee in Bouaké

Students and Staff of the Centre Scolaire St Marcellin Champagnat congregated on Wednesday, 16th January 2019 to officially launch the Jubilee celebrations in the school. At the beginning of the ceremony, Br Joachim Doua gave a brief history of the arrival of the Brothers and their works in Ivory Coast, and particularly in Bouaké and Korhogo, up till the present moment. This was followed by a series of bidding prayers which the students themselves prepared bearing in mind the celebration at hand.

At the end of the ceremony, the Jubilee prayer was recited by all present. After that Br Germain Bery Beda officially launched the Jubilee celebrations in Bouaké amid loud jubilations and applauses from all who were present for this great event.

It should be noted that the Jubilee celebration will take place on Saturday June 1st 2019 in Bouaké. Prior to this date, a series of activities have already been planned take place in various parishes that will better sensitize the Christians and especially the youths about the Marist Mission in Cote d’Ivoire. Let us all pray that this new beginning in the history of Marist Cote d’Ivoire will mark a new year with a new heart for a better future for us all…