First religious profession in Ghana

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First religious profession in Ghana

Three new brothers were added to the Institute of the Marist Brothers, when Brothers Ebenezer Owusu-Ansah Arthur (Ghana), Alvine Shiyntum (Cameroon), and Cletus Anekwe Chijioke (Nigeria) consecrated themselves to the Lord on Saturday 9th July 2022. 

The mass was presided over by Most Rev. John Yaw Afoakwah, the bishop of the diocese of Obuasi and the Vows were received by Provincial of Nigeria, Br. Vincent Abadom.

In his homily, the local ordinary, in the words of St. Paul asked the young Brothers to rejoice, that the Lord has found them worthy to be called to work in His vineyard.  He stressed that there is always a great joy in serving the Lord. 

The bishop also encouraged them to make their uniqueness and talents available as precious stones for building the kingdom of God. He lamented the current trend of some religious men and women in the habit of amassing wealth and a growing appetite for materialism. He reminded them about Christ’s assertion that foxes have holes and birds, their nest but the son of man has no place to lay his head (Matt 8:20). He maintained that a deep understanding of this statement is key to embracing and following the poor Christ. 

The Bishop cautioned families of priests and religions against the dangers of over-demanding on their children who have responded to the invitation of the Lord. 

Rev. Fr. William Opoku Boateng, the parish priest in his welcome address reminded the candidates, not to see their consecration as an end of their spiritual journey but as its beginning. He thus encouraged them to be committed to prayer, to listen to God always, and to rely on the holy spirit for support and inspiration. 

While Brother Ebenezer and Alvine belong to the Province of West Africa Cletus belongs to the Province of Nigeria. The newly professed brothers will go to their families for a short holiday, and they will then join the Marist International Centre (MIC) in Kenya, where they will undergo their four-year scholastic formation.