Tree planting at Ashalajah, Accra

Our Good Mother School
Tree planting at Our Good Mother School
Tree planting at Our Good Mother School

The importance of planting trees has been emphasized time and again. This is because of the numerous benefits they offer. Trees provide us with life giving oxygen, they absorb harmful gases from the atmosphere, and provide shelter to birds, animals and human beings as well.

The culture of planting trees is a noble value which must be inculcated in the young and future generations. It is in this context that the “One Million Trees Project", an organization geared towards environmental protection donated 1,000 seedlings of various tree species to Our Good Mother School, Ashalaja – Ghana on Tuesday, 6th November 2018.

The seedlings were handed over to the headmaster of the school, Br. Paul Kwesi Adu, in the presence of Br. Cyprian Gandeebo, the Superior of the Marist District of West Africa and Rev. Mathias, Chaplain of the school. The District Superior after a short speech planted his own tree and invited each of the pupils of the school to follow suit. By doing so, they will be able to care for the environment and our mother earth.

Br. Yao Aristide Ghislain

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