News from our schools

Mar 12 1 By Br. Habib Wiysenyuy Inauguration of the School Infirmary

On Wednesday January 31, 2024 at 8 a.m., the new infirmary of Centre Scolaire St Marcellin Champagnat…

Mar 1 0 By admin Marist schools competition 2024

The Marist Youth Ministry…

Jul 3 0 By Br. Augustine Naatey Br. Ivo Njongai Leynyuy honored

Today, Sunday the 3rd of July, 2022, Brother Ivo Njongai Leynyuy, the principal of St Albert's…

Dec 26 0 By Br. Augustine Naatey FMSI helps to increase the Marist Educational offer in Kumasi

The Marist Brothers of Kumasi, Ghana, of the District of West Africa, together with …

Nov 6 0 By Br. Augustine Naatey Tree planting at Our Good Mother School

The importance of planting trees has been emphasized time and again. This is because of the numerous…

Oct 4 0 By Br. Augustine Naatey Grotto, Kindergarten and Science laboratory at Marist Preparatory & JHS

The Marist Preparatory School at Sabin – Akrofrom, Ghana, inaugurated a Grotto of Our Good Mother on…