Grotto, Kindergarten and Science laboratory at Marist Preparatory & JHS

Marist Preparatory/JHS, Kumasi
Grotto, Kindergarten and Science laboratory at Marist Preparatory & JHS
Grotto, Kindergarten and Science laboratory at Marist Preparatory & JHS
Grotto, Kindergarten and Science laboratory at Marist Preparatory & JHS

The Marist Preparatory School at Sabin – Akrofrom, Ghana, inaugurated a Grotto of Our Good Mother on 4th October, 2017 to mark the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the school which was also the year of the bicentenary of the Marist institute. The reason for erecting this grotto is to show an appreciation to Mary, Our Good Mother, for being so good a mother to us as a school and to each one of us as an individual.

The second reason for the grotto is to invite the Brothers working at the school to introduce our Good Mother to the children so that they may know and love her.
During the months of May and October (the rosary months), the school usually gathers in front of the grotto to pray the rosary every morning before beginning classes. Br. John Kusi-Mensah, the headmaster, from time to time, is seen talking to students about Mary and praying in front of the grotto with them.

Our Good Mother always has Jesus with her, and, therefore, it serves as a reminder to the Brothers and teachers as well to make efforts to make Jesus and Mary known and loved by the children entrusted to our care.

The Marist Nursery–Kindergarten block was also inaugurated on the 4th of October, 2017, but was officially opened for use in January, 2018. It was erected with financial support from Misean Cara, Ireland. The block is a well-designed building befitting the ages of the children. The Kindergarten block is one of the best kindergarten buildings in Ashanti Region. It has six classrooms, a dining hall, a multi-purpose hall, two storerooms, and an office. Each classroom has toilet facilities. Currently, there are 200 children enrolled in the Kindergarten department.
Recently, we put artificial grass at the court-yard of the building to prevent children from injuring or hurting themselves when at play.

The new science laboratory - On 31st October, 2018, we inaugurated an ultramodern science laboratory at the Marist preparatory School. Without exaggerating, I would say Marist Preparatory School is the only Junior High School in Ashanti Region that has a well-equipped science laboratory. The Italian Bishops Conference sponsored the building while the Marist Brothers from Australia, through Br. David Hall, provided the equipment for the Science Laboratory.
The reason behind the science laboratory is to give the children who pass through our school a good foundation of the knowledge of science, so that they can build on it in their later days at senior high schools and at the tertiary levels. The laboratory will also serve as a science resource centre for most of the schools around Sabin-Akrofrom.

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