Our Province

Our Province

The Marist District of West Africa was created in 2000 under the tutelage of the then Province of Levante. Since 2003, it has been under the direction and care of the Mediterranean Province. Initially it was composed of Cameroon, Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. Liberia and Tchad joined later. These five countries belonged, respectively, to the former Marist provinces of Great Britain, Nigeria, Levante, Esopus and Norte.

Since 2010, there has been considerations for the possibility of moving towards the creation of the Marist Province of West Africa. The reason for this move is not far-fetched. The District has grown in responsibility and autonomy. In truth, the District since 2015, still under the care and direction of the Mediterranean Province has functioned as a Province. The District enjoyed a high level of autonomy, with minimal intervention from the Province in the tasks of animation and governance. In fact, from an executive point of view, the only authority of the Province is the area of approval of budgets.

The growth and economic autonomy of recent years is evident, and the projection of the next few years suggests that this same trend will continue. Similarly, the growth in the number of Brothers and aspirants is also evident and the projection of the next few years suggests that this same trend will continue. The number, age and quality of the Brothers of the District make viable the assumption of responsibilities and the maintenance of a structure of creative and effective Provincial animation. Hence, during the District Chapter of 2018, held in Accra, the Provincial of the Mediterranean Province, Hno. Juan Carlos Mari Fuertes, launched the process of the District becoming a Marist Province of West Africa.