Br. Lawrence W. Doe Made Final Religious Profession

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Br. Lawrence W. Doe Made Final Religious Profession

It was a colorful day on the 18th of December, 2021 when Br. Lawrence W. Doe made his Final Religious Profession at the Parish of St Francis, Pleebo, Cape Palmas Diocese, Maryland County.   The Vows of Br. Lawrence were received by Br. Cyprian Gandeebo, the Provincial Superior of Marist Province of West Africa.

Among those who graced the occasion were His Lordship, Bishop Andrew J. Karnley, Bishop of the Diocese of Cape Palmas who also served as the Chief Celebrant, and some priests and Religious of the Diocese.  Also, present were the parents of Br. Lawrence, family members, Parishioners, classmates and other well-wishers.

During the homily, the Bishop expressed a profound gratitude to the Provincial Superior, Br. Cyprian Gandeebo and his Council who decided that the final profession of Br. Lawrence W. Doe will be held in his Diocese. The Bishop termed the occasion as a milestone in the history of the diocese since it is the first of its kind for a final profession of a male religious.

The Bishop Karnely also acknowledged the enormous pastoral and educational activities the Marist Brothers had carried on in Pleebo between 1986 and 1994. It is his fervent hope and prayer that the Marist Brothers will consider returning to Pleebo to continue what they started. Pleebo is considered the cradle of the Marist Mission in Liberia.  In fact, he expressed joy that all the present Liberian Marist Brothers are the products of the Diocese of Cape Palmas and he prayed that more young men will be inspired joining Religious Life.

Finally, the Bishop thanked the parents of Br. Lawrence for giving their son to God through the Marist Brothers as an educator.

In his Address to the congregation, Br. Cyprian Gandeebo thanked and welcomed Br. Lawrence Doe in the Institute as a full fledge member with all the rights and responsibilities.  Furthermore, Br. Cyprian expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Bishop Karnley, the Priests and religious of his diocese for allowing the Marist Brothers to celebrate the final profession of Br. Lawrence.  Similar appreciation was extended to the Parish Priest, the Parishioners and parents of Br. Lawrence for their positive contribution during the celebration of his vows.

The profession ended with refreshment!