Aspirants Encounter in the Christmas Octave

Aspirants Encounter in the Christmas Octave

A 4-day Aspirants Encounter was organized for six young men from different dioceses in Ghana, from Sunday 27th to Thursday 30th December 2020. The program which took place at the Marist Community of Buokrom was on the theme: Nurturing Your Vocation.

The event was marked by a series of talks including the importance of prayer in the life of a religious, and the Vocation of Fr. Marcellin Champagnat. There were also sessions of sharing, prayer, recreation, manual work, personal time and outing. These were instances to interact with the community members and experience some level of community life, while internalizing what they learned.

The occasion helped the aspirants to acquaint themselves with the different types vocation in the church, and the various ways to develop them. It was also an opportunity to come to some appreciation of our founder’s effort in responding to his vocation.

It seemed to the facilitators that the participants had a wonderful experience during those few days of prayer and reflection; they were happy and indicated during the evaluation that, given the opportunity they would attend the Easter encounter.

 The Vocations office is very much indebted to Br. Linus Ngam and Mr. Adu-Nontwiri Samuel (a Marist Lay) for being part of the team of facilitators. I should also mention here that the contributions of the community members towards the success of the programme was quite immense.

By Br. Eric Kramo
Vocations Director


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