The brothers paid a visit to JB’S mum

The brothers paid a visit to JB’S mum

When the news of Br Jean Baptiste's demise got to his mom, she made two passionate appeals: That we should wear our habits and visit her before she dies. Secondly, on her death, we should come in our numbers to bid her farewell. This appeal rhymes well with the final words of our Lord Jesus Christ to his mother, and the beloved disciple as he hung on the cross -  behold, your mother; woman, behold your son (Jn 19:26-27)

It's on this note that the Brothers of Yassa and Bafut community visited Yaa two years ago. This year Yassa Community fulfilled Yaa's will by visiting her once again. She looks very healthy irrespective of her age. She received us with a lot of smiles. She could not hide her feelings of joy as a result of our visit. Though she stays alone, the family members take good care of her. She still reiterated her request, that we come to her funeral whenever she joins her ancestors. She gave us Bananas and avocados from her farm, a sign that Yaa is blessed with good health.


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