25 years of Marist Presence in Ghana

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25 years of Marist Presence in Ghana

Dear Brothers, first of all I want to welcome you all to the occasion of the silver jubilee celebration of Marist presence in Ghana. The moment is one of a joyful celebration but also one of thanksgiving to God for al the graces and blessings we have received through our mission, vocation promotion and collaboration with the church in Ghana.

This moment also calls us to get aboard with the challenges facing us as an institute and in particular in Ghana: vocation ministry, in terms of vocation promotion; the second challenge is being faithful in our own vocations; thirdly we need to be hard working in our various apostolates (Brothers and lay collaborators) for the good of the children, the church and the nation at large. Lastly, the church as well as our Institute invites us all to be opened to mission – Mission Ad Gentes. This call is not just to the Brothers but to our lay collaborators as well.

As we celebrate this event of the 25 years of Marist presence in Ghana I invite you all to reflect and let us face these challenges with audacity and hope. I wish you all a joyful celebration. Feel at home and God bless.

Brother Yao Kouassi Kan Sylvain, District Superior