The answer is in your hands

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THe answer is in your hands

Br. Francis Lukong gave an account of his stewardship as Superior. He said that three years ago the 6th District Chapter mandated him and council three priorities: community life, formation and training of Brothers, self-reliance and financial autonomy. They tried their best to actualize these priorities within the terms of reference given by the District Chapter. Although much of what was asked of them was realized, he indicated that much still needs to be accomplished, and therefore more effort is required from each of us.

As we increase in number and perseverance in our vocation, Br. Lukong invites all of us to work harder.

To illustrate the point, he told the story of a small boy who went up to his father with a bird clutched in his hands and asked him, ‘Dad, is this bird in my hand dead or alive?’ He thought he could outwit his father. He thought that if the father said the bird was dead, he would open his hands and set the bird free. But if Dad said the bird was alive, then he would squeeze it to death in his hands. Contrary to his expectation, his father answered him, “My son, the answer lies in your hands”

Brothers, the answer to our many questions in our District lies in our hands. How do we, as District, build Communities that witness to the message of the Gospel and promote the wellbeing of its members? The answer lies in our hands. How should we relate with each other in community? The answer lies in our hands. How do we, as Marist District of West Africa, form Brothers in the different areas to respond to the exigencies of Marist Mission? The answer lies in our hands. How do we, as District, work at building healthy, self-reliant, independent and self-sustainable Communities? The answer lies in our hands.We do not have to outsmart anyone; all the answers to our questions lie in our hands. Nobody and no one will help us without us. No NGO will come to our help without us. The Mediterranean Province will not help us without us, and God will not help us without us. Hard work, honesty and self-sacrifice is the answer and the only way forward for our growth and sustenance as a District.

Br. Francis Lukong