Appointment of Br. Cyprian Gandeebo as provincial of the province of West Africa

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Br. Cyprian Gandeebo

The Superior General, Br. Ernesto Sánchez has appointed Brother Cyprian Gandeebo as Provincial Superior of the new Province of West Africa. He is expected to assume this office in August 2021 when the Administrative Unit will celebrate its first Provincial Chapter. 

Br. Cyprian who is completing his first mandate as District Superior of West Africa comes from Ghana and is the first of eight children. He joined the postulancy in Orlu, Nigeria and the Novitiate in Kumasi, Ghana. He made his first profession in 1997 and proceeded to Nairobi for his Scholasticate formation. From 2000 when he returned to Ghana where he worked as Bursar, Headmaster, Vocations Director, as well as Formator at the Marist International Novitiate, Kumasi. Between 2008 and 2018, he was appointed to the Marist International Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. There, he served in various capacities as formator and lecturer. In 2016 he became the Principal of the Marist International University College, Nairobi until his election as fourth Superior of the District of West Africa in 2018.

In his letter to the brothers of the District, the Superior General acknowledged the support of the Mediterranean Province on which the District depended over the years.  He was grateful to this Province for its care and accompaniment in the development and growth of the District up to the present time when it is ready to start as a Province.