Br. Francis Peter Amoako-Attah has passed on to his maker

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 Br. Francis Peter Amoako-Attah has passed on to his maker

We painfully write to announce the death of our dear Brother Francis Peter Amoako-Attah, which sad event occurred this morning, Thursday 10th February 2022, at a Hospital in Granada, Spain, where he was receiving treatment.

Br. Francis returned from Cambodia to Ghana a few weeks ago for holidays. His health had not been so good and decided to do some medical examinations. The situation of his health eventually became critical and required immediate attention. Hence, he was flown to Spain for further examination and treatment. His health did not improve since his arrival in Granada. He passed on at the Hospital during the early hours of today.

Br. Francis was born on Sunday, 26 January 1958 to Mr. Thomas Kwasi Ntiamoah and Madam Elizabeth Adwoa Fordwour, at Akim Domiabra in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.

Br. Francis joined the brothers and entered Postulancy to begin his religious formation in the year 1984. In 1985 he was received in the novitiate and made his temporary profession two years later. Between 1987 and 1990, Br. Francis did his Scholasticate formation in Nairobi, Kenya. Four years later he made his perpetual vows in the Institute.

Br. Francis served the Lord, the church and humanity, and was quite successful in his mission. As a formator, he worked as a Vocations Director, master of postulants and staff of Marist International Centre in Nairobi. By this mission he touched the lives of many brothers who remember him with fondness.

Most of the apostolic life of Br. Francis was dedicated to working outside his own country. His missionary activities took him to Kenya, Algeria, Vietnam and Cambodia. Until his demise Br. Francis was working in Cambodia as a missionary.

Br. Francis will be buried in Granada in Spain on Friday, 11th February 2022. The funeral will be held later in Ghana. In a meantime, we request your continuous prayer for the happy repose of the soul of our brother.

May His Soul Rest In Peace!