Death Notice: Br. Daniel Osei Kwadwo

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Death Notice: Br. Daniel Osei Kwadwo

We regret to announce the death of our dear Brother Daniel Osei Kwadwo, which sad event occurred on Friday, 17th of June 2022, after a few days of illness.

Br Daniel Osei Kwadwo was born on Monday 21st of December 1958 to Mr. Kofi Anane and Madam Mary Yaa Serwah (both of blessed memory) at Boaman in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.

Br. Daniel entered the Postulancy to begin his religious formation in 1983. He did his novitiate formation from 1987 to 1989 and made his first religious profession at the end of the program. He then proceeded to the Marist International Centre in Nairobi, Kenya from 1990 to 1993 for his Scholasticate formation. In 1995, Br. Daniel made his perpetual vows in the Marist Brothers Institute.

Br. Daniel Osei Kwadwo lived his call to the service of God and humanity in various capacities. His contribution to the Marist mission in Ghana included being a classroom teacher and a house master at St. Joseph Senior High Technical School. Besides, he worked as a bursar at the Marist Brothers Novitiate for many years. He worked as a bursar at St. Marcellin Champagnat School in Buokrom. Br. Daniel is also credited with the starting of our prestigious Marist Preparatory School at Sabin Akrofrom near the Novitiate in Kumasi.

The burial and final funeral rites of the late Br Daniel Osei Kwadwo will be on Friday, 15th July 2022 at the Marist Brothers Novitiate Grounds in Kumasi, Ghana.

Do remember to pray for the repose of his soul.