Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat

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Feast of Champagnat

On 6th June, we celebrate the 179th feast day of St Marcellin Champagnat. Many of us are feverishly planning and rehearsing what activities will take place on this day. This is a great! But what does the feast of St Marcellin Champagnat really mean for us when we celebrate it? Does the feast day of Marcellin Champagnat impact our lives as Brothers, teachers and students?

I imagine all of us have read the Spiritual Testament of Marcellin Champagnat. He made his last and dearest wishes of his heart to his Little Brothers of Mary.
Fr Champagnat cautioned his Brothers to love their vocation, and to be faithful and steadfast to the end, with manly courage. He also admonished them to let the daily observance of their Rule preserve them from ever violating their sacred vows by which they are bound to the fairest of all the virtues and the frailest.

How many of us really observe and put in practice what Fr Champagnat want us to practice? Do we really love each other as it was said of the first disciples? Instead, do we not ridicule each other before our Superiors? We prefer outside friends and indeed, spend much longer hours in their company than with our own ‘marvelous companions’.
And how often have we acknowledged our shortcomings and ask for pardon for our sins of commission and omission? In drawing up our Community Life Plans we often write that we will give and accept fraternal corrections from each other. But I wonder how many of us really put this virtue into practice.
Let’s be transformed and live the Gospel!

Also dear Brothers, I beg you with all the love of my heart, and by the love you bear me, keep ever alive among you the charity of Christ. Love one another as Jesus Christ has loved you. Be of one heart and one mind. Have the world say of the Little brothers of Mary, what they said of the first Christians: ‘See how they love one another’! That is the desire of my heart and my burning wish … – St. Marcellin Champagnat.