Br André Delalande: a smile that brings the worlds closer together

Br André Delalande: a smile that brings the worlds closer together

A few days ago, we bid farewell to our brother André Delalande, who passed away on May 1st at the age of 103. Over the past few days, we have received many signs of affection. All are a sign of the respect, admiration and gratitude that so many people had for him. With his death, many of us felt a mixture of sadness for his loss and gratitude for the gift his life represented for us.

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Adolescence and Puberty in Education

Adolescence and Puberty in Education

The “sensitive period” in the life of an adolescent is puberty which comes along with challenges and uncertainties other than obvious physical ones. Adolescents struggle to balance academics and unfamiliar experiences that make it difficult for them to concentrate during lessons.

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Br Vincent de Paul Appointed Acting Principal of MIUC

Br Vincent de Paul Appointed Acting Principal of MIUC

The Conference of the Superiors of the African Continent (CSAC) has recently announced the appointment of Brother N'Guessan Vincent De Paul as the new Acting Principal of the Marist International University College in Nairobi, Kenya. In 2019, Br. Vincent de Paul was appointed to join the formation team; until his appointment to the highest office of the College he served as Vice Principal Academic. 

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Br. Lawrence W. Doe Made Final Religious Profession

Br. Lawrence W. Doe Made Final Religious Profession

It was a colorful day on the 18th of December, 2021 when Br. Lawrence W. Doe made his Final Religious Profession at the Parish of St Francis, Pleebo, Cape Palmas Diocese, Maryland County.   The Vows of Br. Lawrence were received by Br. Cyprian Gandeebo, the Provincial Superior of Marist Province of West Africa.

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Child safeguarding workshop in the Province of West Africa

Child safeguarding workshop in the Province of West Africa

A five-day Child Safeguarding workshop for the Marist Province of West Africa took place in Ghana from the 20th to the 24th of March 2023. The purpose of the workshop was to help participants on how to write a Child Safeguarding Policy for the Province and other associated Marist Works. 

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First religious profession in Ghana

First religious profession in Ghana

Three new brothers were added to the Institute of the Marist Brothers, when Brothers Ebenezer Owusu-Ansah Arthur (Ghana), Alvine Shiyntum (Cameroon), and Cletus Anekwe Chijioke (Nigeria) consecrated themselves to the Lord on Saturday 9th July 2022. 

The mass was presided over by Most Rev. John Yaw Afoakwah, the bishop of the diocese of Obuasi and the Vows were received by Provincial of Nigeria, Br. Vincent Abadom.

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Br. Ivo Njongai Leynyuy honored

Br. Ivo Njongai Leynyuy honored

Today, Sunday the 3rd of July, 2022, Brother Ivo Njongai Leynyuy, the principal of St Albert's Comprehensive College, Bafut in Cameroon, received a Medal and Certificate of longevity of faithful service; and as one of the distinguished administrators in School Management in the Archdiocese of Bamenda. The two awards were given by the Archbishop of Bamenda at the Our Lady of Lourdes College, Mankon during the Holy Mass and annual Come together of the Archbishop and all the Catholic teachers, principals and head teachers.

Death Notice: Br. Daniel Osei Kwadwo

Death Notice: Br. Daniel Osei Kwadwo

We regret to announce the death of our dear Brother Daniel Osei Kwadwo, which sad event occurred on Friday, 17th of June 2022, after a few days of illness.

Br Daniel Osei Kwadwo was born on Monday 21st of December 1958 to Mr. Kofi Anane and Madam Mary Yaa Serwah (both of blessed memory) at Boaman in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.

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Memorial Mass and Funeral Rites for Br Francis Peter Amoako-Attah

Memorial Mass and Funeral Rites for Br Francis Peter Amoako-Attah

A Memorial mass was organized on Saturday 5th March 2022 at Sacred Parish, Trede in Kumasi for our late Brother Francis Attah. The mass led by Rev. Fr. Godfred Appiah-Appiah-Marfo, the Chancellor of the Diocese of Obuasi was attended by the Archbishop Emeritus Peter Kwasi Sarpong, many priests, religious men and women, friends, relatives, and all the Marist Brothers living and working in Ghana. Indeed there was no better way to say a final farewell to our dear Brother Francis Attah than to pray in thanksgiving to God for his life.

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Br. Francis Peter Amoako-Attah has passed on to his maker

 Br. Francis Peter Amoako-Attah has passed on to his maker

We painfully write to announce the death of our dear Brother Francis Peter Amoako-Attah, which sad event occurred this morning, Thursday 10th February 2022, at a Hospital in Granada, Spain, where he was receiving treatment.

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