Appointment of Br. Cyprian Gandeebo as provincial of the province of West Africa

Br. Cyprian Gandeebo

The Superior General, Br. Ernesto Sánchez has appointed Brother Cyprian Gandeebo as Provincial Superior of the new Province of West Africa. He is expected to assume this office in August 2021 when the Administrative Unit will celebrate its first Provincial Chapter. 

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The brothers paid a visit to JB’S mum

The brothers paid a visit to JB’S mum

When the news of Br Jean Baptiste's demise got to his mom, she made two passionate appeals: That we should wear our habits and visit her before she dies. Secondly, on her death, we should come in our numbers to bid her farewell. This appeal rhymes well with the final words of our Lord Jesus Christ to his mother, and the beloved disciple as he hung on the cross -  behold, your mother; woman, behold your son (Jn 19:26-27)

FMSI helps to increase the Marist Educational offer in Kumasi

FMSI helps to increase the Marist Educational offer in Kumasi

The Marist Brothers of Kumasi, Ghana, of the District of West Africa, together with FMSI, have completed in November the construction of a new two-storey classroom block of the “Marist Preparatory School”, in Sabin Akrofrom.

The project, financed by the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI), aims to accommodate more than 1000 students, since due to the lack of space and the great demand for enrolment many were unable to attend.

Perpetual Profession in the Marist District of West Africa

Perpetual Profession in the Marist District of West Africa

On Sunday 13th December, the Marist District of West Africa celebrated the perpetual profession of vows of Br Joseph Kwaku Asante from Ghana. The ceremony, which took place in Kumasi, Ghana, was attended by priests, religious, as well as the lay faithful.

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Fratelli tutti”: short summary of Pope Francis's Social Encyclical

A short summary of Pope Francis's Social Encyclical

We are happy to bring you a summary of the 'Fratelli tutti', the recent encyclical of the Holy Father. It is the work of Isabella Piro; originally published by the Vatican News. Meanwhile, the complete version of the Encyclical can be accessed   Here


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Accra Community 2019-2020

Members of the Accra community

The Marist Community of Accra is a three-member Community. The District Superior; Brother Cyprian Bankakuu Gandeebo and the District Bursar/Secretary; Brother Birkem Pascal  are part of this Community. Being a Community with a special character, Brother Gilbert Asong Dakora often finds himself alone when the other two members are away on duty. The Lockdown period has therefore been the longest uninterrupted time all the members of this Community have lived together; that is from March 20th  till today.


The unveiling of a new book

The unveiling of a new book

Br Francis Verye presented a new book titled ‘Psychodynamics in School Leadership; Challenges and Opportunities’ on Sunday, the 23rd of August 2020 in MIC. The book has highlighted, filled and addressed nine gaps in the current literature on leadership, namely: materialism and religion, vocation and profession, divine and human, spiritual values vs exterior framework, common good vs individual rights, integrity vs corruption, loving care vs positional rules, rhetoric vs reality, shepherding vs economic prosperity, witness vs structure.

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Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat

Feast of Champagnat

On 6th June, we celebrate the 179th feast day of St Marcellin Champagnat. Many of us are feverishly planning and rehearsing what activities will take place on this day. This is a great! But what does the feast of St Marcellin Champagnat really mean for us when we celebrate it? Does the feast day of Marcellin Champagnat impact our lives as Brothers, teachers and students?

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The answer is in your hands

THe answer is in your hands

Br. Francis Lukong gave an account of his stewardship as Superior. He said that three years ago the 6th District Chapter mandated him and council three priorities: community life, formation and training of Brothers, self-reliance and financial autonomy. They tried their best to actualize these priorities within the terms of reference given by the District Chapter. Although much of what was asked of them was realized, he indicated that much still needs to be accomplished, and therefore more effort is required from each of us.

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