Echoes from Cameroon – the ongoing Crisis

Echoes from Cameroun

When the crisis in Anglophone Cameroon began in the later part of 2016 the populace thought it was going to be short-lived. But we were wrong. As it stands now, from a personal point of view, a better part of the population has become disenchanted because of untold and startling upshots. Struggles and sufferings, chaos and cruelty and lots of icky stuff now reigns. The CHURCH (Clergy, Religious congregations, schools and the lay faithful) is not finding it easy.

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Our Marist way of educating during COVID-19

Dr Frank Malloy

COVID-19 – Quality Learning and Teaching

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25 years of Marist Presence in Ghana

25 years of Marist Presence in Ghana

Dear Brothers, first of all I want to welcome you all to the occasion of the silver jubilee celebration of Marist presence in Ghana. The moment is one of a joyful celebration but also one of thanksgiving to God for al the graces and blessings we have received through our mission, vocation promotion and collaboration with the church in Ghana.

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Address of His Holiness, Pope Francis, at the end of the eucharistic concelebration

Address of His Holiness, Pope Francis, at the end of the eucharistic concelebration

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As I thank the Lord who has accompanied us during these days, I would like to thank all of you for the ecclesial spirit and concrete commitment that you have so generously demonstrated.

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World day for Consecrated life – Archdiocese of Bouaké

World day for Consecrated life – Archdiocese of Bouaké

Religious men and women of the archdiocese of Bouaké celebrated the world day of Consecrated life on the 2nd and 3rd of February respectively. The 2nd of February was a day of recollection, prayer and reflection well animated by Father Ernest a member of the Viatorian community in Bouaké.

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Postulants’ One-Week Seminar on Cultural Anthropology, Kumasi

Postulants’ One-Week Seminar on Cultural Anthropology, Kumasi

This seminar was held at the Christian Village in Kumasi, Ghana, from 22nd to 28th of January 2019 was attended by our postulants and Br Ivo Njongai, who is presently helping out with the formation of our postulants at Ahwiren Community. The seminar is a yearly program on cultural anthropology with emphasis on inculturation, organized by Archbishop Emeritus, Peter Kwesi Sarpong and his team. Participants for the 2019 seminar were postulants, novices, temporary and finally professed religious men and women and religious priests from 13 different religious congregations.

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Launching of the Marist Brother’s Golden Jubilee in Bouaké

Launching of the Marist Brother’s Golden Jubilee in Bouaké

Students and Staff of the Centre Scolaire St Marcellin Champagnat congregated on Wednesday, 16th January 2019 to officially launch the Jubilee celebrations in the school. At the beginning of the ceremony, Br Joachim Doua gave a brief history of the arrival of the Brothers and their works in Ivory Coast, and particularly in Bouaké and Korhogo, up till the present moment. This was followed by a series of bidding prayers which the students themselves prepared bearing in mind the celebration at hand.

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Grotto, Kindergarten and Science laboratory at Marist Preparatory & JHS

Grotto, Kindergarten and Science laboratory at Marist Preparatory & JHS

The Marist Preparatory School at Sabin – Akrofrom, Ghana, inaugurated a Grotto of Our Good Mother on 4th October, 2017 to mark the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the school which was also the year of the bicentenary of the Marist institute. The reason for erecting this grotto is to show an appreciation to Mary, Our Good Mother, for being so good a mother to us as a school and to each one of us as an individual.